KJAR holds its 4th Congress

KJAR held its 4th Congress in the mountains of Kurdistan. During the 3-day congress, six main agendas were discussed in detail.


East Kurdistan Women's Community (KJAR) held its 4th Congress between 7-9 May with the participation of delegates from all areas of Kurdistan. The 3-day congress ended with the slogan 'The success of the ‘Jin Jiyan Azadi’ Revolution will make women's freedom and democratic society inevitable'. The congress and the activities carried out were dedicated to the Arab fighters Aryen Arê, Şîlan Bane and martyr Rûken who were martyred in Şaho.

Six main agendas discussed in detail

At the congress, six main agendas were discussed in detail. The first agenda was the situation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in total isolation in the İmrali Island Prison and has not been heard from for three years. The second agenda discussed in detail was the ‘Jin Jiyan Azadi’ [Woman, Life, Freedom] Revolution. The third agenda was the organisation of committees, and the fourth was the level of women's self-defence in Rojhilat and Iran and the dimension that needed to be reached.  On the fifth agenda, 2-year decisions and plans were made. Finally, in the sixth agenda, the election of the KJAR board of directors consisting of 15 members was held. These six agendas were discussed in detail for 3 days and important evaluations were made.

'Our work from now on will be even stronger with the support of women'

Deniz Derya from KJAR Coordination made the opening speech of the congress. Derya started her speech by congratulating the 4th Congress of KJAR on Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, freedom fighters, all women and Kurdish people, and commemorating the martyrs of freedom. She stated: "We will resolutely continue our struggle against the attacks of the occupying forces against our Leader and humanity. The realisation of this congress is the result of the work of martyred comrades because they sacrificed their lives for the sake of freedom so that this struggle could continue and be stronger than ever. Therefore, once again, I respectfully commemorate all our martyrs in the person of martyrs Aryen Arê, Şîlan Banê and Rûken. The realisation of our 4th Congress is the strongest reaction against the ruling power, sovereign forces and sexism. Undoubtedly, our work from now on will be even stronger with the support of women. We are organising our 4th Congress with this determination."

'We must focus on the physical freedom of the leader in every work we carry out'

After the opening speech, the situation of Kurdish People's Leader Öcalan was discussed. During the discussions, the importance of Öcalan’s ideas and philosophy regarding women was highlighted: "The 45-year resistance in the journey of truth and the true meaning of life was achieved through the resistance of the leader. Leader Apo [Öcalan] described this resistance as the third birth in Imrali Prison. Heavy isolation could not prevent the leader, who took a historic stance against the system of capitalist modernity and declared the biggest 'NO' to the sovereign powers.

Leader Apo clearly presented to us how to organise and grow and how to make the revolution so that we could fight on a large scale within the framework of the revolutionary people's war. Just as the people of Rojhilat (East Kurdistan) and Iran opposed the conspiracy in 1999, they embraced the paradigm of the Leader with the 'Jin Jiyan Azadi' revolution in 2022. On this basis, as Rojhilat and Iranian women, we must focus on the physical freedom of the leader in every work we carry out. As KJAR, we will embrace the labour and philosophy of Leader Apo with all our strength and will. We will not stop until we make the physical freedom of Leader Apo inevitable."

'The 'Jin Jiyan Azadi' Revolution became a light and spread all over the world'

The second agenda of the congress was the evaluation of the 'Jin Jiyan Azadi' Revolution. It was pointed out that the revolution in 2022 once again made the Middle East a source of life for humanity, and that the women's struggle that has been going on for years has reached a new stage.

Regarding the 'Jin Jiyan Azadi' Revolution, the following was stated : "The 'Jin Jiyan Azadi' Revolution became a light and spread all over the world. The struggle of Kurdish women, who paid great prices, reached its peak with the revolution. The murder of Jîna Amini created a great anger and explosion among women. After the murder of Şilêr Resolî, who was raped in Meriwan and did not surrender, public reactions developed. The Meriwan people's embracing of Şilêr Resolî also led the people of Rojhilat and Iran to embrace Jîna. In all the cities of Rojhilat and Iran, women rose up against the life imposed by the Iranian regime.

'The 'Jin Jiyan Azadî' Revolution is not over and will not end'

In the last 8 years, mass popular uprisings against the regime have developed but have been brutally suppressed. Thousands of people have been arrested and massacred. However, this revolt was different from other revolts. For the first time, all nations, faiths, women, young people and classes participated in the revolution. In recent years, there has been a great reaction by mothers, teachers, workers and women against the regime. With the 'Jin Jiyan Azadî' Revolution, these reactions reached the highest stage. To claim the campaign "Towards women's revolution with Jin Jiyan Azadî" is to claim the will and existence. Therefore, as women, we need to take this campaign to a higher level. The 'Jin Jiyan Azadî' Revolution is not over and will not end. In the new period, we will further strengthen our work to win the revolution."

'The Revolutionary People's War should be organised under the leadership of women'

In the third agenda of the congress, the situation of the KJAR committees was discussed one by one. While discussions were held regarding the committees, it was also stated what level of work should be done from now on and how this work should be carried out. It was decided to form Prison Martyrs, Ecology and Self-defence committees and new decisions were taken for the existing committees. There were also discussions on organising wherever there are women in Rojhilat and Iran.

'We also need to prepare ourselves for great changes and transformations'

Particular attention was drawn to women's organisation in Europe and new decisions were taken. The following evaluations were made regarding the discussions on this issue: "In this process, any force that organises itself well and prepares itself in the context of the Revolutionary People's War will succeed. Leader Apo said 10 years ago, 'Iran will not continue like this for a long time, there will be changes in Iran. For this reason, you should prepare well and increase your defence power to the highest level'. The leader warned us years ago. As the women and people of Rojhilat and Iran, we also need to prepare ourselves for great changes and transformations. As HPJ (East Kurdistan Women’s Defense Forces, Hêzên Parastina Jinên Rojhilatê Kurdistanê), we drew the attention of women in Rojhilat to the armed struggle. The Revolutionary People's War should be organised under the leadership of women. As the women of Rojhilat and Iran, we must raise this claim even more."

'Prisons should be transformed into areas of education, organisation and resistance'

The discussions further drew attention to the imprisonment of women and the execution policies of the Iranian regime. Emphasising the fact that the regime is trying to destroy the will and belief of women through imprisonment, execution and torture, the discussion noted that hundreds of women who struggle for freedom are currently held captive in the prisons of the Iranian regime. It was stated that Zeinab Jalalian, who sets an example for all women with her resistance and struggle and has been resisting all kinds of atrocities of Iran for 16 years, is one of these prisoners. It was also emphasised that in order to get rid of the regime's dungeon policies, prisons should be transformed into areas of education, organisation and resistance at an even higher level. It was stated that hundreds of women have been raped in the last two years alone, and that KJAR will not leave any woman uneducated and unorganised in the coming period.

'The greatest need of women is self-defence'

On the fourth agenda, discussions were held regarding the level of self-defence of women in Rojhilat and Iran. It was pointed out that women need to protect themselves against all attacks directed against them in Rojhilat and Iran. While it was stated that this situation was revealed in the ‘Jin Jiyan Azadi’ Revolution, it was emphasised that the greatest need of women is self-defence. It was expressed that women in Rojhilat and Iran should protect themselves even more, protect their struggle, existence and identity.

As the fifth agenda of the congress, 2-year decisions and plans were drawn up. The main decisions and plans that emerged as a result of the congress are as follows:

* The struggle for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo will be the source of all our work.

* A common struggle for women within the framework of a common system will be taken as the main goal.

* YJCR will reach all young women in Rojhilat and Iran on the basis of organisation and self-defence.

On the sixth and last agenda, elections were held for the renewal of the KJAR Board of Directors. As a result of the election, 15 members of the KJAR Board of Directors were elected.

‘We need to claim our rights with greater determination and a wider struggle’

Zîlan Vejîn, former co-chair of PJAK, who made the last speech of the three-day congress, said: "We started this congress with the memory of the martyrs and continued it in this way until the last moment. We will embrace the efforts of the martyrs of the revolution with all our strength. This work was successfully finalised in a very emotional process. As the women of Rojhilat and Iran, we need to claim our rights with greater determination and a wider struggle from now on. In order to claim our rights, we need to claim our leader. In this congress, we discussed very important issues in detail and sought solutions to every difficulty faced by women. Resolving or ending every difficulty faced by all women is only possible through unity. For this reason, we call out to the women of Rojhilat and Iran; let all women struggle for freedom on the basis of Leader Apo's idea and philosophy under the roof of KJAR."

The congress ended with the slogans "Bijî Serok Apo, Bê Serok jiyan nabe" [Long Lice Leader Öcalan, No Life Without the Leader], "Jin Jiyan Azadî" [Woman, Life, Freedom] and "Şehîd Namirin" [Martyrs are Immortal].