Lakes and rivers are drying up in the region of Van

Lakes and rivers are drying up in the region of Van. Most of Lake Sixkê in Ipekyolu has disappeared.

Lakes and rivers are drying up in Turkey. In addition to climate change, the building of dams, extreme irrigation and a wrong agricultural policy are all contributing to this phenomenon. One of the provinces on Turkish territory affected by the AKP's environmental policy is Van. The water level of Lake Van has decreased, and Lake Sixkê in Ipekyolu district has largely disappeared. Experts point out that natural disasters go hand in hand with the increasing number of hydropower plants and dams in recent years.

Environmental activist Vahap Işıklı from the Mesopotamian Ecological Movement explains that Lake Van has twelve tributaries: “In the last two years, however, there has been a great drought. The water level has dropped sharply. Dams are being built in our area. 150 underground dams are to be built by 2023. In Turkey, the drought has increased dramatically. There is less and less rain. Underground springs are drying up and the lakes are drying up. Urgent measures must be taken."