Turkish military measures in the Kurdish region continue expanding

The occupying Turkish state declared yet another region in the Kurdish region as a "temporary security zone".

The Şırnak Governorare announced that the Dola Qeşura region, located between the Beytüşşebap and Uludere districts of Şırnak, was declared as a "temporary special security zone" for 15 days from 20 June until 4 July.

People were banned from entering and leaving the area.

In recent weeks, many regions in North Kurdistan have been subjected to arbitrary and systematic bans.

The creation of "special security zones" is part of a larger development in which restricted military areas are being established in various parts of northern Kurdistan. As a result, entire areas are cut off from the outside world and are subject to the control and arbitrariness of the military. These measures place a considerable burden on the Kurdish rural population and increase the pressure on residents to leave the affected areas.