Chemical gas used in Şêx Meqsûd

AKP- and Erdoğan-guided gangs of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) and ENKS that committed the massacre in Aleppo’s Şêx Meqsûd neighborhood used banned chemical gas once again.

AKP-backed gangs of SNC/ENKS have been attacking Aleppo’s Şêx Meqsûd neighborhood since February 16 and have killed 19 people in the attack of the last two days. Gang groups continue the attack on the neighborhood today.

AKP-backed gangs have used chemical gases that have been banned in international treaties again in their attacks against the neighborhood in the rainy weather. Dozens of citizens affected by the gas or injured in the attacks were taken to the Heyva Sor center in the neighborhood.

YPG General Command had declared in a letter to the Ceasefire Watch Coordination in Syria that the gang groups had been using chemical gases in their attacks on the neighborhood. However, the international community is yet to react to the attacks on the civilian population.

The attack of the gang groups continue.