7 more HPC battalions established in Efrîn

Seven more battalions of Popular Self-Defense Forces (HPC) have been established in Efrîn city of Rojava, West Kurdistan.

Seven more battalions of Popular Self-Defense Forces (HPC) with 254 members have been established in Mabeta district of Efrîn city. The battalions which include a women's battalion are called Dilşêr, Avşîn, Nesîb, Mezlûm, Nesîb, Rêber, Cûdî and Arîn.

Speaking at the ceremony where the establishment of battalions was announced, Efrîn Canton HPC Commander Dijwar Firat Merdê said that; “Syria is being through a very fragile process. As external powers are directly intervening Syrian lands, Turkey, too, has most recently entered Jarablus. In the face of these developments, all forces in Rojava must be prepared against the intervention of external powers like Turkey. Alongside the Rojava forces YPG-YPJ, Asayish and Erka Xweparastinê forces, HPC will be defending the people.”

Merdê recalled that HPC forces mounted resistance alongside YPG-YPJ and Asayish in Hesekê, and won victory against the attacks of regime forces.

The number of HPC battalions in Efrîn Canton has therewith risen to 11.