Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Foreign Affairs Committee criticised the broadcasting policy of Rudaw TV, saying that it broadcasts against Kurdish people. KCK added that Rudaw TV broadcasts are in line with the Turkish state coverage on the Kurdish Liberation Movement during the 1990s.
KCK Foreign Affairs Committee said in a written statement that Rudaw TV has launched a campaign against the Kurdish Liberation Movement and added that this attitude is by no means serving to the unity of the Kurdish people. KCK drew attention to that Rudaw TV was built by the Turkish state and its intelligence agency MIT, and added that Rudaw TV, known to be close to KDP, revealed this fact through its broadcasts during the resistance against ISIS gangs in Rojava as well as its support to AKP during June 7 elections. KCK also said this bias has been previously proven with documents by the Kurdish Liberation Movement.
KCK stressed that the broadcasts of Rudaw TV contradicts the requirements of Kurdish national unity, which is paramount during increased attacks against Kurdish gains. KCK stated that Kurdish media must defend the gains and the values of Kurdish people and reflect the truths, stressing the responsibility of the media towards the people.
KCK went on saying that Rudaw TV misinforms the public in order to create a pseudo agenda and added that when Rudaw TV says that they are “at the scene before the incident”, they are telling the truth as they are usually at a scene where there is no incident. KCK stated that Rudaw TV’s attacks on the PKK are no longer acceptable as Rudaw TV does not comply with the ethical codes of broadcasting, and works against Kurdish national unity.
KCK said that the arbitrary borders in Kurdistan are no longer meaningful at times of war against ISIS gangs, and added that Rudaw TV’s broadcasting is hostile to Kurdish people as far as it ignores this fact. KCK recalled the Rudaw TV news targeting the struggle of PKK guerrillas in South Kurdistan and the TV station’s attacks on the gains of Kurdish forces in Rojava, adding that Rudaw TV supported AKP in the elections in North Kurdistan by broadcasting against HDP.
KCK lastly called on Rudaw TV to remain loyal to the gains and values of Kurdish people and to review its broadcasting policy in order to renew it in defense of Kurdish people’s liberation and national unity.