Health problems for hunger strikers in Strasbourg

Health problems for hunger strikers in Strasbourg

Health conditions of 15 strikers on hunger strike in the French city of Strasbourg since March 1st are deteriorating. Doctor Fahrettin Gülþen who has been observing the strikers’ state of health reported that three strikers have caught severe flu.

While twelve days have been left behind the indefinite-irreversible hunger strike in Strasbourg, doctor Fahrettin Gülþen spoke to ANF about the health conditions of strikers. Gülþen remarked that 15 strikers have suffered from stomach upset, weight loss, hypotension, vision problems and headache.

Commenting the worsening health condition of protestors as a result of the cold and humid place of the act provided by a church, Gülþen noted that strikers were still determined to continue their act despite all negative conditions they face.

Doctor Gülþen expresses concerns over the spread of influenza which she says strains the protestors who accept to drink only lemon, salty and sugared water. Gülþen pointed out that the protestors should move less and avoid accepting visitors one by one.

Gülþen also called attention to possible complications to emerge after the twelfth day of the act.

None of them is in a critical situation now but we will continue to follow them closely as we cannot foresee what could happen in the coming days, said doctor Gülþen and called on people to not to leave protestor alone and to give moral support to them.