Occupation regime in Afrin

The Turkish military and its militia seize the houses of the population of Afrin and settle there members of militias, among others from eastern Ghouta.

The Turkish military and its militia confiscate the homes of the people of Afrin and settle there militiamen and their families.

"More than 50 gang members were settled in Raco"

According to a source in the region, more than 50 militia evacuated from eastern Ghouta have been resettled in Rajo with their families.

"No news from the abductees"

Another source of ANHA news agency reports that many people accused by ENKS members of supporting Democratic Autonomous Self-government have been abducted by militias or the Turkish military and have disappeared to this day.

Military checkpoints built in the middle of the city

According to information from ANHA tanks of the Turkish military took positions in front of the Emir Xebari school and at Azadî Square. The checkpoints are in the middle of the city. In front of the building of the Turkish-backed "Legislative Council", a three-meter-high wall was erected by the occupying forces.