Rescued Yazidis on their way to Shengal

Yazidis rescued from ISIS gangs are on their way to Shengal.

The SDF has rescued hundreds of Yazidis from ISIS gangs in the Operation Cizire Storm. The rescued Yazidis are reunited with their families through the Yazidi House in the Cizire region and the Shengal Council.

The 9 rescued Yazidi children and one woman have set out for Shengal, accompanied by  Yazidi House officials in the Amude district. The rescued Yazidis are: Cane Ilyas Helef and her children Ferid, Ehmed and Feride from Shengal’s Til Banat village and children named Celil Xelil Besar, Eymen Ferhab, Colin Elaa and Suad Reso.

Yazidi House President Ziyad Shex Avdal spoke in the press conference held in front of the Yazidi House before the group set out and said: “The SDF, YPG and YPJ worked hard to rescue abducted Yazidis. As the Yazidi House administration, we offer our gratitude to these forces. The rescued Yazidis will be reunited with their families through the Shengal Council.”

SDF Commander Berxwedan Amude said,“YPJ has promised to avenge the Yazidi children and women abducted by ISIS gangs,” and added that they act in coordination with the Yazidi House and the Shengal Council to reunite rescued Yazidis with their families.

Cane Ilyas Xelef, who was rescued by the SDF, spoke to ANHA and said: “ISIS gangs abducted women and children when they attacked Shengal and our village. They killed and beheaded the men. They killed my husband too. We are grateful to the SDF for rescuing us from ISIS.”

After the press conference, the group of rescued Yazidis and Yazidi House officials set out for Shengal.