PYD: Turkish state wants to stop the demise of ISIS

PYD General Assembly has condemned the invading Turkish state’s attacks against Kobanê and Girê Spî and stated that the attacks aim to stop the demise of ISIS gangs.

Democratic Union Party (PYD) General Assembly has issued a written statement on the Turkish state attacks against Kobanê and Girê Spî, saying that the whole world came together against terrorism on November 1 World Kobanê Day and supported the Kobanê resistance and that ISIS gangs failed to achieve their goals against the Kobanê resistance despite support from the Turkish state.

PYD commemorated the Kobanê resistance martyrs in the statement and condemned the invading Turkish army’s attacks against Kobanê and Girê Spî. The statement said the Turkish state has been posing threats through ISIS, Al Nusra and armed groups under Al Qaeda for the last 7 years, and stressed that Ankara doesn’t want ISIS gangs to end, but terrorism to continue.

The PYD statement called on the Small Group for Solution in Syria, made up of the US, the UK, Germany, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and said: “These powers must fulfill their duties towards the SDF and the Northern and Eastern Syria Democratic Autonomous Administration. For the Syrian crisis to be resolved as swiftly as possible, third parties including the Turkish state must be prevented from creating chaos for their own interests. All must protect the gains achieved through the blood of martyrs.”