2nd Middle East Youth Conference in Kobanê continues

“Towards a Multicolored and Democratic Middle East under the leadership of Youth” is the slogan of the conference which has brought together around 300 young people from Kurdistan, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Libya, Armenia, Egypt and Turkey.

The 2nd Middle East Youth Conference began yesterday in the Culture and Arts Center in Kobanê.

“Towards a Multicolored and Democratic Middle East under the leadership of Youth” is the slogan of the conference which has brought together around 300 young people from the four parts of Kurdistan as well as Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Libya, Armenia, Egypt and Turkey.

Delegates from Tunisia, Yemen, Afghanistan, North Africa and Sudan join the conference via Skype. Some delegates from some countries were unable to attend the conference because they were prevented from entering Rojava either by the Syrian or the Kurdistan Regional Governments.

The conference continues on its second day with discussions under the title “Crises and problems in the Middle East in the Age of Capitalist Modernity”.

Presentations were made about “women and gender, religion, nationalism, dogmatism and Jineology”.

The afternoon sessions of the conference handle the popular movements and freedom movements in the Middle East.

In the meantime, the Durzi youth from Suwayda who were prevented by the Syrian regime yesterday, have arrived in Kobanê today to attend the conference.