Swiss MP tabled motion on Afrin

Swiss deputy Bernhard Guhl drew attention to the ethnic cleansing practices carried out by the Turkish state and its mercenary allies in Afrin and demanded that the Swiss Federal Council take action against it.

Bernhard Guhl, a Swiss MP from the Swiss National Parliament, tabled a motion to the Swiss Federal Council asking to answer about the policies of the Turkish state and its mercenaries in occupied Afrin.

The motion stated: “The Turkish state and the mercenary groups it supports are carrying on practices that violate the fundamental human rights of Syrian Kurds, and in particular the people of Afrin.” Guhl recalled the statements and reports published by Amnesty International on the subject.

Guhl, remembering what happened and is still happening in Afrin like civil disappearances, displacement, plundering, torture in public, forced extortion, asked the Swiss Federal Council to answer the following questions:

- Where and under which conditions did the displaced people of Afrin live as a result of the occupation?

- What, if anything, is Switzerland doing to help displaced people forced out of their homes by the Turkish state and the groups it supports?

- What does Switzerland do about violations against Afrin and Syrian Kurds?

- Is the Federal Council interested in helping the displaced people to return to their own homes and continue their safe lives there?

- If Switzerland is interested in this issue, what kind of work does it undertake or what kind of measures does it takes to return the confiscated property to the original owners?

- What is the Federal Council doing in order to prevent in the future new attacks or occupation by Turkey or Turkish-backed groups in Manbij or other areas of Syria?

- Does the Federal Council, still support and play an active role in the United Nations efforts for the establishment of peace in Syria?